Monday, January 18, 2010

take THAT!

I have decided I'm going to try to write a post everyday, we will see how that goes.
Nothing extremely interesting happened today, just got my second shot. It's a shot for cervical cancer. Even though it hurts so so bad, it's probably a good thing.

I came over to my dad's today also. I'm playing with the adorable puppies. I really love this white one. I can't get over how cute they are. I adore them, But I think everyone should adore puppies right?(excuse the chapped lips. I forgot my Chapstick. aha )

If I can figure out how to add a picture I will show a picture of the puppy and I. I really wish I could have one, But I already have a cat who I adore. And plus, two animals are a lot of work when you have homework to do and friends to be with, blogs to post :)

I'm making this post short. So, This is all I will say.

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