Friday, January 29, 2010

the week from hell, almost

This weekend I'm going to Columbus to go shopping, really excited to get new clothing. All of mine are ripped, torn, stained, whatever. But I am really excited. I really wish we had a Forever 21 in Mansfeid. Same with an H&M.

Reminds me f how much I hate living in a small town, I'm trying to convince my mom to move so I will be put out of my misery. Makes me think of how a couple days ago, My health teacher said, basically, that living a small town is better, almost trying to convince us to stay here, uh. No. There is no way I'm even staying in Ohio. I hate living in a small town enough. and not only that, there are not any good, decent job opportunities in Ashland, besides in fast food, small business, and teaching. other than that, there are none. aha, I'm not good at any of those things anyways.

Oh my. So today I was walking home with one of my friends. And he was like "Do you care if I say something?" I was like,
"what is it?"
"Just tell me yes or no."
he yells back at my brother who was saying dumb little things,
"Stop looking at my girlfriend!!"
I was mortified. I can not believe he said that, I have a boyfriend anyways. I have no idea what he was even thinking when he said that. I was reluctant to talking to him the rest of the time. I hate hate hate when people say stupid things.

Just like my other brother, Who was talking crap about me to this girl with pink hair, I don't even know her name, but she doesn't like me, along with some other people who I will not list, But really, makes him look like a freshmen, when he is a senior. (talk about a run on sentence.) But honestly, if he really wanted to look like white trash, Damnit. he achieved it. Really, he makes me family look bad. I am embarrassed to be related or even associated with someone with such high intelligence, who uses it for absolutely nothing. I mean really, he is a super smart guy, but he decides he is going to get arrested instead of bringing put his grades?

He is smart. But doesn't act intelligent.

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